We are a verticalized company and we put the control of the supply chain first in order to guarantee high quality and control.

Tessitura Stamperia Luigi Verga is the place where Como silk tradition, innovation, craftsmanship, attention to trends, creativity and technique meet.
Customers all over the world appreciate our work and our fabrics. Together with us, designers make their ideas reality and bring fabrics to life by giving them new shape and meaning. For three generations, we have been producing traceable Made in Italy fabrics with pride and passion.
Tessitura Stamperia Luigi Verga was founded in 1940 by Luigi Verga, nowadays his daughters, Adriana and Maria Stella Verga, are proudly carrying on the tradition of the Como textile supply chain, which has made the Made in Italy famous all over the world.
The founder's granddaughters have also joined in the daily life of the company, keeping their grandfather's work alive.

In the 1960s, our company was solely involved in weaving, therefore we decided to develop and integrate our business by adding the printing and finishing departments. Thanks to this decision the company acquired an important role in the international market, becoming one the leaders in the textile production for female clothing.
Although in the 1990s, there was a tendency for companies to delocalize their businesses, our company decided to keep the textile production in the Italian territory. This allowed the company to avoid the dissipation of resources abroad and to keep the entire production cycle under control, thus favouring the Made in Italy and facilitating the traceability of the products.
In 1999 the company acquired Samco, they specialized in the sale of rattle fabrics and they have a hand-painted fabrics department. A further and decisive innovative aspect was represented by the process of change triggered in the same years and up to the beginning of the 2000s, when the family that led the company decided to react and capitalize upon the changes taking place. They improved the relation with the market and they invested in highly qualified human resources.
All of this while keeping faith to the company mission, that is to place the company in the highest range of the textile market and at the same time continuing to produce high-end fabrics.

The consequent results rewarded the entrepreneurial choice made and created the conditions to allow the company to invest, in January 2002, in the requalification and implementation of weaving. The company created a new weaving with jacquard looms, which is much more reactive and faster, capable of obtaining high flexibility in terms of product and production.
The consequent results rewarded the entrepreneurial choice made and created the conditions to allow the company to decide to invest, in January 2002, in the requalification and implementation of weaving. The company created a new weaving with jacquard looms that is much more reactive and faster, capable of high flexibility in terms of product and production. The new production layout allowed to guarantee a higher customer service in a shorter time. In 2006, the technological investment was completed with the opening of the inkjet department and with a highly intensive training program for the staff.
In 2013 the company began renovating the entire finishing department, enlarging it and making it efficient both from an energy and a speed point of view. All the old machines were replaced with new generation ones, thus increasing the production capacity.

Nowadays, Tessitura Stamperia Luigi Verga is positioned as a verticalized company in the luxury sector. For Tessitura Stamperia Luigi Verga it is important to be considered as a partner and not as a supplier by its customers.
For the customer it is as a matter of fact essential, especially in a market like the current one, to find a company that knows how to respond to their needs quickly and competently. The company has a great deal of flexibility and ability to adapt to specific customer requests to be quickly on the market with products that still have a strong character of craftsmanship but at the same time sustainable.
In addition, the company pays great attention to the certification of its products, also depositing each of its designs, thus making each fabric unique and with the company's demonstrable intellectual property.
To date, the company follows the 4sustainability protocol, committing itself to improving all aspects inherent to it, adopting sustainable measures to reduce waste and harmful substances for the environment.